
Mega Halla 2015 July 6, 2016

This year mega Challah is bringing 2,000 women in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to have this unforgettable experience. There are no words to describe the energy in the Hall events “Mark Shagal” in the “Hebraica”.    


The Journey July 6, 2016

For the second time in the Theatre “Ten Yad”! The same place and more surprises … and still, the same inspiration, B “H !!! “The Journey,” On the TV show Shalom Brazil Minee kolech


About … November 9, 2015


Mega Challa Porto Alegre 2015 September 27, 2015

The Vizo , Naamat and Chabad Oraganiztions in Porto Alegre joined  for an extraordinary adventure, and made the 1st “Mega Challah Bake” in Porto Alegre, with 500 women!!! The success will definitely bring more Jewish women next year Mega challah Porto alegre Vezakeni

“The journey” June 2015 July 12, 2015

The journey each of our souls goes through since it is born… For this journey what we need mostly are, mental and spiritual skills and knowledge, Knowing that G-od is sending us his love always… “Tocho Ratsuf Ahava” ( From the the show) A Piece of Sky ( From the show) Created with flickr slideshow.


Guimel Betamuz June 25, 2015

A very special day for  Chabad Organization. The day they parted from their beloved leader Harebe Mi–Lubavitch , A special women’s dinner full of emotions dance and inspiration… Guimel Betamuz. SP. 2015


Mega Challah 2014 September 30, 2014

 Sao Paulo Brasil, 2014 A big event which joins women all over Sao paulo, in order to prepare the traditional “Challah” for the coming Rosh Hasana. Gazeta TV reporting the event: Eshet Chail “Eshet Chail mi Yimtsa”, is the best way to describe this event…

Show Order November 23, 2013

Here you can make your show purchase, Not before we close all details via telephone: Please send your show details needs ( date, community type, place and event theme) , and we will adjust your perfect show. 75