Mega Halla 2015July 6, 2016
This year mega Challah is bringing 2,000 women in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to have this unforgettable experience. There are no words to describe the energy in the Hall events “Mark Shagal” in the “Hebraica”.
The JourneyJuly 6, 2016
For the second time in the Theatre “Ten Yad”! The same place and more surprises … and still, the same inspiration, B “H !!! “The Journey,” On the TV show Shalom Brazil Minee kolech
Mega Challa Porto Alegre 2015September 27, 2015
The Vizo , Naamat and Chabad Oraganiztions in Porto Alegre joined for an extraordinary adventure, and made the 1st “Mega Challah Bake” in Porto Alegre, with 500 women!!! The success will definitely bring more Jewish women next year Mega challah Porto alegre Vezakeni